Martel Electronics BetaPort-P Pressure Calibrator Module - DISCONTINUED


Key Features:

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  • 27 Standard Ranges
  • Gauge, Vacuum, Absolute, Compound and Differential measurements from inches of water to 10,000 PSIG
  • Accuracy Specified over 15°C to 35°C range
  • Isolated and non-isolated measurements, range dependent
  • 0.025% Full Scale Accuracy
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      Martel BetaPort-P pressure modules are available in 27 standard pressure ranges, covering gauge, vacuum, absolute, compound,and differential measurements. All modules are directly compatible with the BetaGauge II and the BetaFLEX. With the Model BPPA-100 BETA Port Pressure Adapter, the modules are fully compatible with the Martel DMC-1410, Martel MC-1210, Martel MC-1010, Martel 3001, BetaGauge 311A/321A, Betagauge 330, Betagauge 301, and Martel M2001. Pressure ranges may be displayed in any of 13 user-selectable units. Water density correction factors of 4 C, 20 C, or 60 F can be selected for either water column unit. The choice of pressure unit may be restricted by limitations on resolution of the instrument display.

Pressure ranges may be displayed in any of 13 user-selectable units. Water density correction factors of 4°C, 20°C or 60°F can be selected for either water column unit.

Specifications (* % of full scale between 15°C and 35°C, ** Maximum static pressure 200 psi / 15 bar)
RangeSensor TypePart NumberAccuracy*Vacuum AccuracyOver Pressure
0...15 psi/
0…1 bar
0…30 psi/
0...2 bar
0…35 bar
0…1000 psi/
0…70 bar
0…1500 psi/
0…100 bar
0…3000 psi/
0…200 bar
0…5000 psi/
0…350 bar
0…10000 psi/
0…700 bar
0...15 psia/
0…1 bar A
Isolated - Absolute910332-015±0.04%NA300%
0…30 psia/
0...2 bar A
Isolated - Absolute910332-030±0.025%NA300%
0…50 psia/
0...3.5 bar A
Isolated - Absolute910332-050±0.03%NA300%
0…100 psia/
0...7 bar A
Isolated - Absolute910332-100±0.025%NA300%
0…300 psia/
0...20 bar A
Isolated - Absolute910332-300±0.025%NA200%
-0.4…0.4 psi/
0...25 mbar
Non-isolated Compound910331-003±0.1%±0.15%400%
-1…1 psi/
0...70 mbar
Non-isolated Compound910331-001±0.05%±0.1%400%
-5…5 psi/
0...350 mbar
Non-isolated Compound910333-005±0.075%±0.1%400%
-7…7 psi/
0...500 mbar
Non-isolated Compound910333-007±0.07%±0.1%400%
-10…10 psi/
0...700 mbar
Non-isolated Compound910333-010±0.03%±0.05%300%
-15…15 psi/
-1...1 bar
Non-isolated Compound910333-015±0.04%±0.04%300%
-15…30 psi/
-1...2 bar
Non-isolated Compound910333-030±0.025%±0.025%300%
-12…50 psi/
-0.8...3.5 bar
Isolated - Compound910331-050±0.03%±0.03%200%
-12…100 psi/
-0.8...7 bar
Isolated - Compound910331-100±0.025%±0.025%200%
-12…150 psi/
-0.8...10 bar
Isolated - Compound910331-150±0.03%±0.03%200%
-12…300 psi/
-0.8...20 bar
Isolated - Compound910331-300±0.025%±0.025%150%
0...5 psid/
0…350 mbar
Non-isolated Differential910329-005±0.075%NA400%
0...30 psid/
0…2 bar
Non-isolated Differential910329-030±0.025%NA300%
0...50 psid/
0…3.5 bar
Non-isolated Differential910329-050±0.03%NA300%
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