AC Current Transmitters and Transducers

An AC current transmitters converts an AC current source to a low level DC signal that can be displayed on a panel meter or PLC screen or recorded by a data logger or chart recorder. When selecting an AC current transmitter you must first select the proper range of the main current source to be monitored. Some considerations are the max current consumed by the load or any in-rush conditions which may cause the AC current source to spike up to a greater than expected or operating value. Current transmitters can be designed for economical installation using average sensing technologies or if accuracy is critical a more expensive True RMS transmitter should be selected. Another consideration is whether a power source is available for the transmitter or will it be self powered. Both options are available on many models we offer. Lastly, consideration must be given to how the transmitter will be installed. For a system that can be shut down and taken apart, a solid core transmitter can be used. For systems that are operating and can not be taken off line, a split core model allows you to wrap the transmitter around the current conductor without shutting the system down. Of course safety must always be a consideration during installation. Wiring option are also available with terminals either installed on the top or the side of the transmitter. Not sure what will work with your application? Ask one of our customer service engineers, we have recommended 1000's of these devices and can help you choose the proper model for your application.
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